From: (Robert Schmidt) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Texture mapping sources wanted This is not a source file, but rather a short document containing what little I know about texture mapping arbitrarily positioned and rotated prallellograms in 3D space. It also contains a GIF file which probably is needed to understand what is going on. I know one person who has used the formulas presented to implement correct texture mapping of 3D triangles. Concerning Digital Image Warping: on the subjects of texture mapping, it contains little more than what you can read below. It does provide some faster approximations though, but they don't look to good in the general case. ---------------------------------------------- use a chainsaw here My idea of texture mapping Mapping a 2D bitmap to a 3D parallellogram by Robert Schmidt ( of Ztiff Zox Softwear This is an introductory text which might not be particularly useful, but it might get you started, and might be the start of some good (I mean FAST!) public domain source code for texture mapping. No source code is included, but a 640x480 B&W GIF-sketch is appended uuencoded at the end of this text. See the accompanying IDEA.GIF when you get bewildered. I'll use lower case letters for scalars, and capital letters for vectors in this text. I drew the image before trying to incorporate underlining in this ASCII text... :-) Thus: In this text: a is a scalar, A is a vector (NOT a matrix). In the drawing: a is a scalar, a-underlined is the vector. Assume the following: o The origo (0,0,0) of our world is positioned right in your eye. (Ouch!) Choose left or right yourself. The x axis points right of your head, the y axis points up, and the z axis points straight ahead of you. o A four sided parallellogram, is spanned out in 3D space by two vectors U and V. The common base of the two vectors is given by the base vector B. o Your computer screen is positioned a fixed distance from your eye/origo. The origo of the screen is at (0,0,zs). The xy-plane of your screen is parallell to the world xy-plane. o Stored somewhere else is a bitmap, which is to be mapped onto the parallellogram, so that the base of the bitmap coincides with the base (B) of the parallellogram, and the edges of the two fall together. Now our goal is made up of two smaller goals: 1) Map the bitmap to the parallellogram. 2) Map the parallellogram to the screen. I assume you are familiar with drawing a 3D polygon on screen, i.e. performing a perspective transform of the coordinates and rasterizing the edges. This process, i.e. goal 2, isn't really the issue here. The idea is that for each point S= on the screen that is contained in the polygon, we have to find the coordinates (u,v) along the vectors (U,V). The corresponding point in space is given by P = B + uU + vV u and v will be in the interval [0,1] if P is within the polygon. This is crucial. Now if the 3D point P is to map to the screen pixel S, the vectors P and S have to be parallell. Moreover, since they both are based in origo, they lie on the same line in space, thus: P = tS for some constant t. Thus: tS = B + uU + vV Now we have 3 equations in 3 unknowns, t, u and v: t sx = bx + u ux + v vx t sy = by + u uy + v vy t sz = bz + u uz + v vz t is of no interest to us, so I'll just show the solutions for u and v: d sx + e sy + f sz u = ------------------ a sx + b sy + c sz (1) g sx + h sy + i sz v = ------------------ a sx + b sy + c sz where a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i are all constants which are calculated once each time the bitmap is moved/redrawn: a = uy vz - vy uz b = vx uz - ux vz c = ux vy - vx uy d = vy bz - by vz e = bx vz - vx bz f = vx by - bx vy g = by uz - uy bz h = ux bz - bx uz i = bx uy - ux by The straightforward algorithm to draw the bitmap is as follows: for (ys=0; ys<200; ys++) for (xs=0; xs<320; xs++) calculate u,v from (1) if (u in [0,1) and v in [0,1) putpixel (xs, ys, bitmap[u*xsize, v*ysize]) This will scan through each pixel on the screen, check wether the pixel is mapped inside the bitmap, and plot the bitmap pixel to the screen if it is. Calculating (1) for each pixel is time consuming, but there are facts to exploit for significant speed gains: 1) sz (the eye z-coordinate of the screen pixel) is constant, so all products involving sz can be calculated outside all loops. 2) sy is constant on each raster line, so the products involving sy need be calculated only once per line, i.e. outside the xs loop. 3) Scan convert the polygon (parallellogram) to screen coordinates, and calculate (u,v) only for pixels inside the polygon. I'm not going to say more about this, but it's the obvious way to go! 4) The denominators in (1) are equal for u and v, so it need only be evaluated once for each pixel. 5) Try to incrementalize. Instead of calculating (d sx) when x increases, just add d to the previous value, for example. The problem is I still can't get away with less than 1 divsion and 2 multiplications per pixel, alternatively 2 divisions. There are ways to approximate this, for example by subdividing the polygon and using first or second degree Taylor polynomials, combined with the use of forward differences. Third degree polynomials don't give much quality gain over second degree polynomials, and take more initial calculations. These are all approximations, and will give visible artifacts and errors. Subdividing helps on this, but is expensive. I'm looking for an incremental algorithm similar to the Bresenham algorithms for drawing straight lines or ellipses. This would give an exact perspective mapping and *not* an approximation. At the moment, I'm literaly halfway there, it's just that the second half seems impossible to figure out. I am able to get it right as long as each and every pixel in the texture bitmap is used at least once. If one or more bitmap pixels are to be skipped, my algorithm fails. Interested persons mail me. Mail any comments and ideas to